How To Create The Best Night Routine

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Night routine, evening routine - we’re sure this is a term you’ve heard thrown around more than ever before, especially in the past few years. But - maybe the buzz around it is justifiable. Having a good night's sleep is an important part of being able to function properly throughout your day. Have you ever thrived on a terrible night's sleep? Probably not. A great day starts with an intentional night. Creating a night routine that helps you thrive is what will help you be your greatest potential. If you’re trying to create an intentional night routine - we’re here to help. Here’s how to create the best night time routine.

Start With a Great Dinner

Cooking at home and making a healthy, balanced dinner doesn't have to be a chore and shouldn’t take up much of your time. Using helpful kitchen tools such as an Instant Pot can cut your cooking time in half and elevate the taste of your dishes. Try eating dinner at a decent time, with enough time to digest before bed. 

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Clean Up

Cleaning up right after dinner lets you unwind for the rest of the night. Also, waking up in the morning to a clean kitchen and house helps you get on with your day easier. Put all dishes away, vacuum and straighten up the house. We love this vacuum- its easy to use, easy to store and packs a power suction to easily clean whatever is on your floor. 

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Taking an evening bath or shower really helps you to relax and get into a flow for the evening. It’s a great self care practice. If you’re stressed from your day, a relaxing shower or bath is sure to help wash away any stressful thoughts. Use the time to play a chilled out playlist or listen to a relaxing podcast. Take your evening self care routine even further by using body washes that help you mellow out and feel amazing. Scents such as lavender, cedarwood and vetiver are known to promote relaxation.

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Remember, just because you're home doesn’t mean you can’t make your everyday baths a spa- like experience. Wrap yourself in a soft fluffy towel, step into soft as cloud slippers and slip into comfy pajamas to keep the relaxing sensation going. 


Not everyone has a multi-step skin care routine. But adopting any skin care routine will optimize your skin's health. If you're not sure where to begin with a skincare routine, try adding face masks , serums and  jade face rollers to your evening routine. You’ll be amazed at how great you feel afterwards.

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Take Some Time to Reflect

Using time to reflect is an important step in a nighttime routine. Unwinding your brain and unpacking your day is crucial in being able to relax and sleep peacefully. It can be as simple as listening to calming music with your favorite candle or oil diffuser in the background, meditating or journaling your thoughts from the day. Even writing down a “To Do” list for the next day is a form of reflection.

Brain dumping is another form of reflection that works well in a nighttime routine. This is a practice where you write out your thoughts - like journaling - but not as sequential. With brain dumping, nothing needs to make sense. The point of this practice is simply to get all of the thoughts that are in your head out of there. Doing this allows your brain to release the need to hold on to information, that may not be serving you anyway, which will leave you feeling relaxed and able to rest. Any journal or book will do. We happen to love these journals - mainly because of there aesthetic. Whatever you choose to write on, the most important thing is that you are getting your thoughts down on paper.

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Make a bedtime beverage

The act of making a beverage before bed is so soothing, and calming. We are sure that this step will be one that sticks with you when you are creating your own nighttime routine. Decaf herbal teas, decaf green tea, golden milk or simply warm plant based milk are great options to try before bed. Use your favorite mug to enjoy your drink and cozy up for the night. 

Golden Milk is a great night time beverage with lots of health benefits. It’s also the perfect drink to include in your nighttime routine.

Golden Milk is a great night time beverage with lots of health benefits. It’s also the perfect drink to include in your nighttime routine.

Cozy up in bed

Here’s the part of your nighttime routine that you’ve been waiting for. Make your bedroom and bed even more cozy by using lighting to set the mood of the room and cozy sheets and blankets to elevate your nighttime wind-down mode. Falling asleep to a great book is the most nourishing thing you can do for yourself to unwind from your day.

Use this as a guide to creating your own nighttime routine. You can add or swap out any step. The goal is to find the right routine that works for you and that makes you feel the most refreshed the next day. Here’s to a great nights sleep. How would you customize this routine for yourself? Comment below.

My Go To Essential Oil Blends

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We all know that essential oils, or EO's, are life. I don't go a day without diffusing or topically applying my EO's and my kids are right along with me. The health benefits are irrefutable and they leave my home smelling heavenly. 

EO's can be used aromatically in a diffuser, topically (sometimes mixed with a carrier oil) and internally. Overall, I use my EO's in a diffuser - four diffusers to be exact. I have them placed in various spots in my home. Can you tell how much I love EO's? 

Anyway - I wanted to share with you my go to essential oil blends. These are the blends that I typically use on a daily basis. I do change things up - especially when someone in my home is sick or another need has to be met. My kids and I took it upon ourselves to name our fav EO blends. I hope you enjoy!

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Sleeping Beauty

This EO blend's name is very fitting. When I run it through the diffuser, this is exactly how we all sleep - and we wake up too! Well rested and ready to start our day. My son named this blend and its the perfect way to describe it.


"Sleeping Beauty" consists of:

  • 3 Drops Wild Orange

  • 5 Drops Lavendar

  • 4 Drops Balance

Peaceful Bliss

I instantly feel a sense of peace and calm with this blend. "Peaceful Bliss" is perfect after a long day of working and running around. I like to diffuse this blend at the end of a long day, usually in the evening after dinner. When the day is winding down and everyone is getting ready to settle in for the night, this is one of my favorite blends to fill my home. 


The "Peaceful Bliss" blend consists of:

  • 5 Drops Lavender

  • 3 Drops Wild Orange

Joyful Exuberance 

I know this name is a little much -but this vibrant blend makes me feel just this way! This blend produces so much energy, excitement and happiness. I usually diffuse this in the morning after breakfast and power through my day. If I feel like I'm slacking before diffusing "Joyful Exuberance", this sluggish feeling quickly diminishes after the aroma fills the room. 


"Joyful Exuberance" consists of:

  • 5 Drops Wild Orange

  • 5 Drops Grapefruit

  • 4 Drops Cedarwood

Wild Orange is known for its mood boosting benefits and has a sweet citrus smell. Grapefruit provides an energizing and uplifting smell. -And while Cedarwood is known to promote relaxation, blending this EO with Grapefruit and Wild Orange allows for the perfect "Get It Done" atmosphere. 

Sound Sleep

If you cant tell by now, I'm really into EO blends that promote a good nights sleep. As a mommy of 3, I like to insure that my sleep is as beneficial as can be. This blend is so calming and grounding, it instantly places me into a state of restfulness once I run the diffuser. 


"Sound Sleep" consists of:

  • 4 Drops Lavender

  • 3 Drops Frankincense

  • 3 Drops Wild Orange

Frankincense is a calming and grounding blend. When paired with Lavender and Wild Orange (which on its own is the ideal blend for calm nerves and relaxation) this blend is the perfect combination for a great nights sleep.


What are your go to EO blends? Are there any EO blends from my list on yours? Comment below.