5 Ways to Organize Your Bedroom Now

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Ahhh, the bedroom. It’s the place that you dream of returning to after a long, hard day. For some, even me, it's the place you miss so dearly even five minutes after your alarm goes off.  I’ll admit it, I’m not a morning person at heart. 

Either way - your bedroom should be the place that you look to as your little oasis from a hectic day. But if your bedroom looks more chaotic than the day you just had, then organizing your space should probably on your “to do list”. If not for anything else, to experience some of the bliss that everyone is talking about.

If you’re not sure where to start with organizing your bedroom, then we’ve got you covered. Here are five ways to organize your bedroom, NOW. 


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 Clear the Clutter from Your Dresser Tops and Side Tables

 Clearing and organizing the dresser and side table tops in your bedroom will instantly make your room appear cleaner and less cluttered. You’ll find so many of your items - jewelry, glasses, etc - that you thought you lost. Following this tip also saves you money. Finding that lost pair of glasses means that you won't have to go out and buy another pair.

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Pick Up Shoes and Clothes Off the Floor

 Any out of place items on the floors?  Pick them up and place them in their “home” aka where they belong. Clearing the floor space in your bedroom makes your room look spacious and open. Walking into a room with an open feel really helps to foster a relaxed mindset. Which is the whole point why you’re doing this, right? To create an oasis for yourself after a long day.

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Clear Off Any Seating Areas

Just like clearing the floors of clothes and shoes, clearing any seating areas as well will create an aesthetically pleasing look for your bedroom. Seating should also be cleared of accessories, electronics, papers and books.

Make Your Bed

 Making your bed sets the tone for your whole room. Doing so will take your room from looking undone to completely put together. It’s easy to turn this practice into a daily habit. Make it a point to make your bed as soon as you wake up in the morning or while you wait for your coffee to brew. By fitting the practice of making your bed into your morning routine it will eventually become a habit that you don’t even need to think about. 

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Straighten Up Your Closet

Straightening up your closet is a quick way to create an organized feel in your entire room. Also if your closet is organized, you are more likely to put this space to use. You’re more likely to hang your clothes up rather than throw it on the floor or across a chair. If you have a designated space for your shoes and other accessories, you won’t find yourself using your floor space as storage for these items. This step alone helps with keeping your room organized. If you’re utilizing this tip then that means you’ve probably already done some of the previous tips.

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There you go!  Five easy ways to instantly organize your bedroom. Let me know how its going after completing these tips. Comment below with the tip that worked best for you.

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Have a great day and as always - stay inspired!