My Favorite Items -November
Happy November! I thought it would be nice to start a "My Favorite Items" blog post. To let you all know what me and my family are currently loving. (I love to start a new tradition)
Here are my November Favorite Items.
Honest Kids Super Fruit Punch
Ava, 7, and Ayden, 6, are big on drinking water. But when it comes to juice they love Honest Kids. I've been buying this for them for the last 3-4 years. I love it because its organic and low on sugar. So it's a win-win for us.
O Ball Flexi Loops Teething Toy
Little Mason loves, loves, loves this toy! Its perfect for his little hands when it comes to gripping. Now that he is smack in the middle of teething, this toy has been his best friend.
Its also easy to clean, I usually hand wash it with warm soapy water. It can be cleaned in the dishwasher also, top rack of course.
Sassy Build and Discover Block Set
The vibrant colors and textures keeps Mason intrigued. He also gets to work in his fine motor skills by gripping the blocks in his hands.
Sassy Build and Discover Block Set, Babies R Us
Another great thing about these blocks - they wipe down easily. Which is why I opted for these rather than the traditional wood blocks.
Olly The Essential Postnatal Multi-Vitamin
I wish I knew about this brand while I was pregnant. These vitamins taste great and don't leave me with an upset stomach. Even better, the citrus flavor it perfect in the mornings!
Olly The Essential Postnatal Multi, Target, $14
The Honest Company Body Wash and Body Lotion
This made my favorites list because I love that this soap is not harsh on Mason's delicate skin and there are no harsh chemicals added to it. Another plus for me is the sweet, non overbearing scent.
Honest Baby 2 - in-1 Shampoo and Body Wash, Honest Baby Face and Body Lotion, Target, $10 each
Covered Goods Multi-Use Nursing Covers
I'm proud to say that I've been exclusively breastfeeding for 6 months and still going strong! One thing that has helped tremendously was my Covered Goods Nursing Cover. I use the cover while were out and about and its time to nurse Mason.
Covered Goods Multi-Use Nursing Cover,, $35
The material is super soft and breathable. The cover can also be used as a carseat cover for infant car seats as well as a scarf for mama!
JJ Cole Pacifier Pod
This little pacifier holder it large enough to hold two of Mason's pacifiers. This comes in handy now that he has taken to throwing objects.
JJ Cole Pacifier Pod, $8,
You can snap the strap onto the inside of the diaper bag so its easy to locate. Its a lifesaver being able to carry around two back-up pacifiers in a clean easy to locate holder.
So these are my November favorite items for the kids. What are some of your can't live without items? Comment below.