7 Reasons Why You Should Declutter Regularly
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We’ve all been there. You walk into a room in your house and you realize the entire room has been OVERTAKEN by stuff. Filled with items that you plan on using or that you’re having a hard to parting with. Stuff that you purchased and forgot about. And - there’s the worst of them all - the items that you accidentally double purchased because, you couldn’t find the first one in all of this clutter!!
Like I said, we’ve all been there. But if your looking to find a motivator to keep your space as far away from the above mentioned scenarios, then listen up. There are so many benefits of keeping your living space organized. An easy way to maintain an organized living area is to declutter on a regular basis. Here are some of the main benefits, that in my opinion, make life so much easier and makes your living space so much more enjoyable.
It Eliminates Need to Spend Days Decluttering
It’s not surprising that tackling the accumulating clutter early on will save you tons of time and the headache of having to clean up weeks or months worth of clutter. Try making it a point to clear up clutter every week to avoid that inevitable pile of mess.
You Will Be Happier
Studies show that having a cleaner, more organized living space will make you a happier person. It’s also true, that our external environment is a reflection of our internal state of mind. In other words, if your living space is a cluttered mess, your probably dealing with some stuff emotionally as well. Once we are able to clean up our environment, what follows is an effort to get out selves into a happier, healthier mind state.
Your Mind Will Be Clear and Peaceful
This point is directly linked to the previous one but it deserves its own spotlight. Have you ever heard of the phrase “tidy house, tidy mind”? Ughhh, I know that’s such an annoying, cliche sentence. But it couldn’t be further from the truth. When we walk into a room that is filled with clutter, our brains immediately go into stress mode. A study done in 2009 has shown a direct correlation to clutter and high amounts of cortisol (the stress hormone). Maybe it’s because your thinking of all the things you need to do and now you see a huge, never ending mess. Maybe you spotted something in the mess that you have to handle but forgot about or haven’t had time to complete. Whatever the reason that contributes to the onset of clutter related stress, we now know that we can combat it by making it a priority to keep your space clutter free.
You’ll Be Able to Keep Tabs on Items You Have and Need
Have you ever made a run to the store for an item that you NEED only to come home and realize that you already have that item? Talk about a waste of time, energy and money spent on something that you don’t need. Keeping a clear space will allow you to keep a tally on the inventory of items in your home.
Your Home Will Be Easier to Navigate
Think of how much easier it will be choosing an outfit in your closet without having to step over piles of clothes and random items all over the floor. Need I say more?
You’ll Be Able to Flex Your Design Skills
With all of the clutter out of the way, you’ll have a better visual of your living space. This will make styling your home effortless. You’ll be able to see how much space you have to work with, color schemes that will work well in your home and what items you will need to purchase in order to organize your space efficiently.
You’ll Be Able To Reflect Your Personal Style
Clutter sucks the life out of the decor in your home. Your personal style is literally being smothered with every pile of clutter that is in your living space. Your home should be a space where you can reveal pieces of who you are, what you love and who you aim to be, and let me tell you, clutter does not fit into that equation.
What are some additional ways that decluttering on a regular basis has helped you? Comment below. And as always, stay inspired!
I'm Tiffany. I'm an interior design enthusiast, blogger, lover of everything organized and co-owner of Skeen Concepts. Skeen Concepts is a beautiful combination of home design and lifestyle inspiration. I hope you guys enjoy this site, get comfy and come back for more! Stay inspired!