Hi Guys!

I'm Tiffany. A mom of three beautiful kids and wife to an amazing man. I'm also a major interior design enthusiast. I love everything that has to do with home decor and creating a home around personal character.

I am obsessed with DIY projects. If I see a design that I love, I usually try to create my own version of it. Even my DIY fails are still considered gems to me. The process of the project, creating and placing my own spin on it,  is extremely invigorating to me.

Being organized and helping others become organized is not only something I love to do. Being organized is also a part of who I am. The thought of tackling a massive organizing project is so exciting for me. Seeing the simplicity of a room or area that was once chaotic is very inspiring.

When I first started Skeen Concepts in 2014, I opened my business up as just an organizing company. As the years went on and my business took on its own form, I realized that I wanted to portray not only a business but a brand. Skeen Concepts is a beautiful combination of my love of organizing, home design and the incredible blessing of being a mother. I hope you guys enjoy my site and follow me on my journey through life and design combined into one lovely package.


Tiffany Skeen, Skeen Concepts